How can I use my Credits in the Apps Hub?

Find out how to make the most of your credits by unlocking awesome content with our AI Apps.

Welcome to the dynamic world of AI apps, where your creativity is fueled by our convenient in-app currency, Credits! Let's walk through the steps on how to utilize Credits and keep your ideas flowing seamlessly.

Checking Your Balance: A Snapshot of Your Creative Potential

Your Credits are the key to unlocking a universe of AI possibilities. To view your balance, simply glance at the top right corner of your screen. This is your creative wallet, always ready and up-to-date.

Unleash Your AI's Potential: The Power of the 'Generate' Button

Every click of the 'Generate' button ignites the spark of creation, transforming your Credits into groundbreaking content. This is where your Credits translate into action, empowering your AI apps to craft unique and engaging material.

Economize with a Twist: The 'Retry' Button for Cost-Effective Creativity

When fine-tuning is the name of the game, the 'Retry' button is your go-to. Redefine your content at a fraction of the cost. It's all about making your Credits stretch further while refining your vision.

Top-Up Alert: Keeping Your Creative Journey Uninterrupted

Should your Credits run low, a gentle nudge will inform you it's time to top up. This ensures your access to AI apps remains uninterrupted, letting your creative process soar without bounds.

You can learn more about how to get credits by reading our help center article on "How to get more credits."

Your Treasury of Ideas: Accessing Your Content History

Every piece of content you've generated with our AI apps is a testament to your creative journey. Easily revisit and marvel at your collection anytime, as your history is preserved for your inspiration and reuse.

Get Ahead of the Curve: Early Access Benefits

And for those who seek to lead the innovation charge, our early access feature allows you to generate and regenerate content before anyone else. It's our way of saying thank you for being at the forefront with us.

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