Note: Early access to this feature is currently only available to enterprise partners. Contact us to explain your use case & request access.
Connect Your AI Widget to Zapier®
Create or open an AI widget on your admin dashboard;
Visit the Integrations tab on your AI widget;
Tap the Zapier® app and generate your credentials;
Visit Zapier® and accept the private invitation (received from your enterprise partner);
Create any Zap® using the app on your Zapier® account;
Go back to your Zapier® widget integration page on and tap Verify;
Disconnect Your AI Widget from Zapier®
Turn off any relevant Zaps® on your Zapier® account.
Visit your AI widget's Zapier® integration page on your admin dashboard;
Tap the Disconnect Zapier® button;
Important: All Zaps® that were using this integration will stop working immediately. You must update your previous Zaps® with new credentials if you decide to re-connect your widget.
When you follow the guide above, you'll see that every AI widget Zapier® integration on has the following credentials:
These credentials are used to securely authenticate every Zap® trigger or action you use with your AI widget.
Integration ID: It helps identify the unique integration and AI widget. In the future, this will become an option for each Zap® action as we introduce shared integrations across multiple widgets, agents, accounts, and organizations.
API Key: It validates your Zapier® requests as valid for your AI widget.
More Information
If you need more help, please contact your enterprise partner.