Can I train all agents?

Find out why crafted agents are the only ones you can train.

You can only train crafted agents and there's a pretty good reason for that.

Our regular agents are like experts in their fields - they've already been trained extensively in specific areas or domains, which makes them super knowledgeable and accurate in their responses.

If we allowed these agents to be trained all over again, it could create a sort of confusion or conflict in their 'minds'.

Imagine you're an expert in baking and suddenly start learning about astrophysics. Sure, you'd gain new knowledge, but it might also mix up or interfere with your baking expertise!

That's why we only allow the training of crafted agents.

These are like fresh slates, ready to absorb whatever specific data you want to teach them, without any pre-existing knowledge to muddy the waters other than the universal knowledge they have until September 2021.

They are designed to be trained by you and adapt to your specific needs.

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