Is there a data limit for training?

Find out if there are any training limits.

There is indeed a data limit for training your AI agent on

The amount of data you can use for training varies depending on the specific plan you have selected. You can monitor your current usage through the Agent Dashboard, where you'll find three status bars: Thoughts, Links, and Files.

Let's break these down for clarity:

  1. Thoughts: This refers to the total thoughts that your agent can be trained with. A "thought" here means an encrypted group of text characters.

  2. Links: This indicates the total number of web links in a sitemap you can use to train your agent. This feature helps your AI learn from a wider internet context.

  3. Files: This shows the total number of files or documents you can use for training your agent. This could include text files, PDFs, or other types of documents.

When any of these bars turn red, it means you've reached the maximum limit of that specific data type that your agent can learn from.

But don't worry, if you need to make space for new data, you have the option to delete some of the older or less relevant information.

To do this, go to the specific file, click on the three dots, and then click on "Forget Document".

After that, the specific bar will turn back to its normal color meaning you can now train your agent with new, relevant data!

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