What files can I train an agent with?

Learn what type of files you can train your agents with.

You can boost your agent's knowledge by uploading one or multiple files. This allows your agent to access additional information, making it even more helpful for your needs!

Currently, we support the following file formats:

  • PDF: This is a commonly used format for documents. It's perfect if you have lengthy information you'd like your agent to understand.

  • TXT: This plain text format is suitable for simple, unformatted documents.

  • DOCX: Use this format if your files are created with Microsoft Word.

  • EPUB: Ideal for digital books and extensive, complex content.

  • SRT: Subtitle files are also welcome, great for making your agent understand video content better.

Now, hold on to your seats because we're expanding supported files soon!

Here's what's coming:

  • Video: Let your agent learn from the visual and audio content.

  • Images: Give your agent the power to understand the visual context.

  • Audio: Upload sound files for an even more comprehensive understanding.

  • Code: Ideal for programming-related tasks.

  • SQL: Teach your agent about database management.

  • CSV, JSON: Perfect for structured data, like databases or complex data sets.

We're continually working to improve and expand the types of files agents can learn from, so stay tuned for more!

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