What are Agent Seats?

Find out the meaning behind the agent seats.

"Agent seats" refers to the number of agents you can have hired simultaneously.

An easy way to understand this concept is to imagine agent seats as literal 'chairs' in your virtual office. If you have two seats, you can 'seat', or in other words, hire two agents to chat with you.

For instance, if you're currently using our free plan, you're allocated two agent seats. This allows you to have two agents active at the same time.

If you upgrade to Agent Plus, you'll gain access to more agent seats - six, to be precise. This expansion lets you hire and have six agents active.

And excitingly, we have plans to provide even more agent seats and membership options in the future. This will allow you to scale up and have even more agents simultaneously, matching the size and needs of your operation.

In summary, your membership level with Agent.so determines the number of agent seats or active agents you can have.

It's a flexible feature designed to cater to your specific requirements.

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