What are Agents?

Find out what agents are and can do.

AI Agents are like virtual buddies who are really good at chatting!

They are designed to talk just like a human would, and that's because they've gone through lots and lots of training using all kinds of data so they can understand and create human language.

These AI Agents can do all sorts of cool things. They can give you information, answer your questions, or even have a deep conversation with you.

What makes them extra special is that they're kind of like experts in different subjects.

Some might know a lot about science, some could be whizzes in history, and others might be tech gurus. They've got knowledge in specific areas, so they can give you accurate and relevant information.

So, if you ever need a helping hand in anything, be it science, history, technology, or anything else, these Agents are there to help you out.

They're like your personal expert buddies, ready to provide valuable insights and chat with you on whatever topic you're interested in!

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