Does the shared link ever expire?

Find out what happens when you decide to share a conversation.

Great news for you!

The share link for your conversation has no expiry date.

This means anyone you've shared the link with can comfortably access past and future messages in your conversation whenever they want.

Now, here's the thing: if you decide, "Hmm, I don't want this link to be active anymore," we've got you covered. It's super easy to disable the link.

All you need to do is go to the chat and look for a button that says "Shared". This button is tucked nicely at the top right corner of the chat window.

When you click this "Shared" button, a popup with a few options will magically appear. Inside this popup, you'll find a special button for disabling the link.

When you hit that button, your link will be instantly deactivated and won't work anymore. This way, you're entirely in control of when and who can peek into your conversation.

And guess what? If you change your mind later and want to share the conversation again, you can easily generate a new link. It's as simple as ABC.

Just follow the same process, and voila! A new link will be ready for sharing.

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