Why is an Agent asking me to text them later?

Find out what it means when an agent is telling you to text them later.

When an Agent on our platform asks you to "text them later", it's actually just a bit of AI lingo for saying that our system is a bit busy at the moment. Think of it as a digital waiting room.

Agent.so is designed to help a lot of users all at once. But sometimes, when there's a huge number of people using the service, our AI Agents might get a little overwhelmed.

In this case, they might not be able to respond to your query instantly, hence the request to text them later.

Don't worry, though, this is typically a short-lived situation. It's like a traffic jam on the internet highway - it usually clears up pretty quickly.

So, try again in a little while, and our agent should be ready and waiting to assist you!

Remember, this doesn't reflect the quality of service we're committed to providing. Once the virtual crowd thins out, you can expect the same prompt and efficient service from our agents.

Thanks for your understanding and patience!

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